Thursday, April 23, 2009

Trainer, day 2

okay so my first session with Mr. Military was hhhhaaaarrrddd! I was honestly sore from head to toe for 5 days. FIVE days y'all!

The thing is this- I would NEVER work myself out that hard, ever! He had me doing things that I had never seen done before.

Yesterday was session 2. My arms are so frickin' sore, which is great because I hate my arms but omg- just call me Mrs. Whimp.

Tomorrow will be session 3, I am scared! LOL

I am also doing 1 hour cardio three days a week and following a pretty strict eating plan the nutritionist set up for me. I feel as if I eat all day. Five times a day to be exact.

I am down a size in my clothes which is really nice. I still have a long way to go and I hope by July I will be swimsuit ready.


Hauser said...

Good for you.. keep it up . you will get there.

Jenn's way said...

Keep with it sister. I am so proud of you and that smokin' hot bod you have will be back in no time.