Thursday, August 13, 2009


Random secret is I have about 100 of them a day if not more.

For instance- on my way to the gym I was listening to Michael Jackson's #1 hits. I came to a red light, picked up the cd cover and thought to myself 'wow he is really dead, did he really do those horrible things he was accused of? Only he, God and the ones involved know the real truth, we should remember him for his music, for the entertainer he was, WAS did I just think WAS, that is so weird, I did think was'

or while getting my toes did I was thinking about John and Kate, what it would be like to be a fly on the wall there.

or like how I need to be more earth friendly.....or will Tori's mom show up to her birthday, or how I really want french fries but if I dare will I put a pound on? How hot is the sun, how deep is the earth, how long have the trees in my backyard been there, did my feet grow during my pregnancies, will Leelyn get his bottom teeth in, does she hate me? does she like me?

of course these are the thoughts I will share and really they don't even give you a real taste of the weird random things I think about.

Anyhoo, that is my confession....I am a random weird thinker! LOL