Saturday, October 4, 2008


I almost forgot to do this week's - things have been crazy around here!
I had both boys in the car, pumping gas windows down as it was a super nice day outside. I was right at about $20.00 into my pumping when this man pulls up and start cussing like a mad person, at first I was like is he talking to me? Then I realized he was talking to the girl on the other side of the same pump as I. He was screaming "You stupid f-ing b-ch, you can't drive you dumb f-ing this and that and this and that" He just sat there yelling @ this had to be just turned 16 year old girl who was very nervous and intimidated by this grown 45-50 yr old WEIRDO. Finally I had enough - I had Blaine's window down who witnessed this man being very shallow and ugly to this poor girl. Usually I will mind my p's and q's but this was ridiculous! I told him to just go on his way or I would call the police. He called me a name so I went for my cell phone and naturally he sped off.

This poor girl started crying saying she just got her license and she accidentally cut him off.
Anyhoo, as I got in the car to leave Blaine says "What was that about mama" I told him that the man yelling needed Jesus! lol

I need to remember that next time I feel like yelling @ someone who just cut me off!