Sunday, August 3, 2008

Little man is a HAM!

SAHM Summertime slump/blues

Calling all full time SAHM's out there....are there any left? How do you fill up your days? Seems like a lot of moms are working PT in some way shape or form. Perhaps this is what has me feeling all slumpy and blue!? Maybe I miss working. Adult interaction, having something to do, to be. It is so hot outside my 3.5 yr. old never wants to go out and play. I think I have done everything to do in this town and Blaine doesn't want to do it a second time and honestly nor do I. Zoo, Science Center, Magic House - done it! I don't care for the mom groups I am a member much drama for me, oh yes lots of that.

I miss school for Blaine, he really enjoyed it. C'mon sweet September. I feel like I don't even really have the time to connect with myself these days. I whip out a blog here and there, DL pics of my DC and that takes all of 15 minutes while I hold Leelyn on my lap. BORED! Tired of cleaning, running errands and being inside. Wanting something to do, to call mine. Feeling like I am not as good at photography as I once thought. My world has been opened up to many talented moms out there, wow. I can't find the designated time to really focus on that hobby. I suppose this to shall pass.