Tuesday, July 8, 2008


I have been meaning to post the boys milestones, mainly for the grandparents for about 2 weeks now.
***Hi Papaw, Grammy, Grandma, Grampa and Nana! ;-)***

Blaine: No more sippy cups, or cups with straws! He is officially using real "big boy" cups and I am happy to say with not one accident! I am also happy that I don't have to wash them and buy them for a little while anyway, until Leelyn is ready for them! Also, we have started to teach Blaine how to take care of his own personal hygiene (if you get my drift). He is a little timid about wiping himself, but practice makes perfect! I say he is doing GREAT! I hope to conquer this by 4! Thanks to supernanny for telling it like it is and getting me started on this right away! We start soccer on August 16th and he is super excited. We practice kicking the ball outside everyday. Swim lessons were booked for the summer, so hopefully fall we can get a spot. I have also found a new school for him. At a local church which was imperative for us! Thank God I got that out of the way. He will go 3 days a week, 8:30-1:30 and that makes for a happy happy mama! ha!

Leelyn: About two weeks back Leelyn started to make raspberries and my personal favorite, his fake cough! He coughs all day just wanting attention and of course he gets it! LOL He is also taking out his binky and putting it back into his mouth. He just started to grab the bottle and pull it toward his mouth also. To date he can roll from belly to back, back to belly, stand with all weight on his legs, cough, blow raspberries, laugh out loud, "talk", and he isn't shy about letting us know when he isn't happy! He is also doing great with the rice cereal and we plan on starting strained foods about 5.5-6 months per our pediatrician. My how time flies! Leelyn and I will start The Little Gym come fall also. Babies are so much fun and I am blessed to spend all of my time with Leelyn, and blessed that I am the main influence in their life! LOVE my boys.

Looking forward to our much needed and highly anticipated vacation, only 9 days.

God- praying for a glorious outcome on Leelyns test tomorrow!