Thursday, June 26, 2008


Today has been a little challenging for me. First my "girlfriend" decided to visit and I was craving bad stuff. For breakfast I had flax toast with almond butter and preserves with a side of blueberries. I snacked on hummus and pita chips. For lunch it was lentil soup by Amy's and rice tamari crackers. I also had a SILK soy black cherry yogurt. For dinner I had this:Amy's veggie "meat-loaf" with a side salad. It was okay, nothing to write home about. I then took part in some soy delicious snicker doodle "ice cream" which is pretty good. Blaine also decided to have some salad:the kiddo loves his veggies! I have been kind of moody but that's to be expected when the girl comes to visit! Here are some fun pictures of the family.
at least it is something other then his fingers in his mouth, lol
God- please keep me focused on the reason I wanted to try this cleanse to begin with, healing through food and faith. Thank you