Friday, August 22, 2008

The love and stress children bring

is a funny thing. Some days I want to pull my hair out, other days I just can't stop playing and kissing on my kiddos. Leelyn is a HANDFUL! He is most adorable and most temperamental, lol

I can't believe he is going to be six months in just a week. Gosh, that is scary. This thread is mainly for the GP's and aunts and uncles that read and still have no idea how to post comments, it's okay Grammy n' Papaw, I am just happy you can log on to read and see LOL

Here is Leelyn playing in his bouncer, and by the way, he only plays in it if I am sitting RIGHT NEXT to him....I love this first shot, I feel like I really captured his deep blue eyes. Here is to the days that I can drop Blaine off @ school, take Leelyn to the gym dc and hit the pool for a nice two hours of peace n' quiet! I DESERVE it! Blessed that I am able to be home with my kiddos, and blessed that there is such a thing as preschool, mwahahahahaha