Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Funny sayings from my 4 yr old

"Mom, how many eyes do you have in the back of your head"

"God must have been really tired after he made the earth"

"If two and two make four how many does it make to get to your age" HA!

"How come you always wanna know what I did at school"

"I wish I could see Jesus and shake his hand"

"Mom, wanna take my picture"

"Why are you always tired mom"

"Does Spongebob really exsist in our world"

"Can you see germs"

"I gotta do poo really really bad"

"Mom you need to brush your morning breath off"

"Remember when Leelyn got milk from your boobs"

"Mom your fat is melting away"

"Leelyn you need to drink water to give your kidneys a bath"

"Wouldn't it be cool if we had a flashlight in our head and we would never have to be scared of the dark again because it would come on"

"How does the stars and moon light up"

"Why do people live in the tv"