Monday, February 9, 2009

Because I'm the mom!!!!

Oh but wait, I am the maid. The accountant. The chef (sometimes). The errand girl. The appointment setter. The shopper. The oil changer. The landscaper. The launder. Heck I am super mom Pictures, Images and Photos
my family tells me so.

No, I am not complaining, I chose this life. Complaining does no good, why be miserable, you control your attitude from the very moment your eyes open in the morning. If you choose to have a bad day, then you will. If you choose to have a good day, then you will.

Happiness comes within first. If you can't find it, seek professional help because there is no reason to make everyone around you miserable, right! Parenthood is hard but I love it. I love my kids so stinkin' much and even on those rare days when I want to pull my hair out, hide in a closet I still have 100% pure joy. If anything ever happened to my kids, the very thought of me complianing about them would haunt me forever. Sometimes this mere thought keeps me sane on my bad days. LOL

The point of this blog is I am a full time SAHM with my own business now. So I work 24/7 and then some. My toes are in bad need of some lovin', my hair has grown out about 4 inches of dark roots, I need to make several doctor visits for myself, I haven't styled my hair in weeks but that is okay! At the end of the day I feel more accomplished then I ever have. Now, where is the wine? Thanks Jenn you rock~xoxo


Jenn's way said...

lmbo @ you. I remember staying home for a year and I just was not cut out for it, I was that mom that made everyone miserable. I complained all the time and I remember saying one morning to myself something has to change.
I know you have worked so hard over the past few months Nicole and I really look up to you, there is no way I could do it.

Anonymous said...

Some mothers are just not cut out to stay home and there is nothing wrong with that. I could not work from home and try to be a stay home mom like you are doing either. You deserve all the success in the world girlie. Your pictures are truly beautiful and your style is so fitting to your name.

Shannon Morgan Photography - Bainbridge Island, WA Photographer said...

i feel ya sista!! i am right there with you!! beautifully said!

Spirit's Breeze Photography personal blog said...

Shannon I know you know exactly wher eIa m coming is like looking in a mirror with you. That is comforting to me ;-)

Thanks ladies

Spirit's Breeze Photography personal blog said...

you know what I meant! 'where I am' lol

Spirit's Breeze Photography personal blog said...

you know what I meant! 'where I am' lol