Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Five months already...

I can't believe that my little Leelyn is five months old already. Boy, is he a handful! A completely different baby then Blaine was. He wants what he wants when he wants it. Wants to sleep in the bed next to me. Wants to be held 24/7, heaven forbid you sit him down for a second. Wants to eat when he is ready. Wants to walk. Wants to talk. Almost sitting. Still wakes up once to eat. Loves his brother. Has a temper as red as red . Can and will cry for an hour straight if I let him. Has the prettiest smile. Has some gorgeous blue eyes. Loves patty-cake and peek-a-boo. My favorite, everyone thinks he is a she! LOL

Playing catch up after an 11 day vacation is hard work. Here are a few shots that I took with my new dream camera that I really have yet to play with, enjoy!


Anonymous said...

The clarity is amazing. Your pictures before were great especially with a little point and shoot, these I can already tell a huge difference just in the MP alone.

Jenn's way said...

I can absolutely see a huge difference in these photos.
Practice makes perfect correct?