Monday, May 26, 2008

Eatin' good in the neighborhood!

What a DORK I am, this I know!

I love our neighbors! We have one of the best neighborhoods I think. Our street has it goin' on with families! We love that the Shaw's have the drinkin' driveway days! Steve breaks out his grill and all we have to do is bring down the food, booze and chairs! Happy Memorial Day from the Gourley boys. They sure are CUTE! Here is Blaine taking Rachel for a ride, already?! The last time I checked, little man did not have his license, ha ha!He did a pretty good job though. After all of that it was food time. It is tough work playing hard with the big kids. Here is little Peyton, I just love her! She is putting on her lip gloss. Happy Birthday Jenn, I hope we didn't bother you to much, I know how it is to be in the first trimester..... Here is to eatin' good, friends and to all those that serve(d) our country!


Anonymous said...

In my neighborhood, you pull into your garage, close it and stay inside, lol You are lucky to live where you want to hang out with your neighbors.

Jenn's way said...

Did you make that cake, it looks yummy? Having a family friendly neighborhood is a true blessing.

The Magill Family said...

Can definitely say you had a lot more fun on Memorial Day than we did! Great pics - as usual!

Spirit's Breeze Photography personal blog said...

Poor baby! Thanks!