Thursday, May 20, 2010

Mom drink some wine will ya

It is a funny thing to hear your 5 yr old telling you to have a glass of wine becuase it makes me silly!

The boys had their checkups, finally! Both are in the 50-75% overall. Leelyn of course is well advanced of where he should be, thanks to Blaine! I really need to get him to the dentist, I am scared of the end result so I have put it wayyyy off for far to long. Once school is out that will be on the list.

I registered Blaine for kindergarten (& Leelyn for 3 full days next year). Love the school. Everyone was so friendly, classes are small which I love! Bittersweet. Now to decide if I will let him ride the bus..........YIKES!
I have the kiddos busy for summer break. Lot's of trips and camps planned! A bonus being a member at Lifetime Fitness, that place ROCKS! They have everything, and I mean everything!!!! Lord knows that they need some serious interaction other then me. I also can use the free time for business matters!

I think Lee will win A Idol. I also think that heidi from The Hills looks horrible and needs some serious counseling. She seems to have such a wonderful loving family! That is about it for today!


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