Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Not an ordinary day

Today was Blainers first day of Pre-K. Such an exciting day for us all. He is attending a baptist school and we love it! I grew up southern baptist, and even though I no longer follow the baptist religion, I still hold strong to some of the foundations and want Blaine/Leelyn to also.
Blaine was so excited (probably to get away from me, ha ha) He only has 6 kids in his class, two teachers. They start off by writting their names every morning and then they have prayer/bible story/praise the lord time. Then it is off to the standard patterning, letter/sound, numbers, science, weather/graphing etc.
Leelyn and I laid on the couch all morning- I of course loved it because he fell asleep in my arms only to realize he has a fever of 102. I think he is teething. I hope becuase he will attend MDO Friday and I have plans for my 'alone' time! Enjoy the pics!


Anonymous said...

Yay for Blaine. He will love it.

Jenn's way said...

Man he is to cute for words. Growing fast.