Friday, April 3, 2009

Take 5

Ever feel like 5 needs to be and hour! I swear this mind of mine goes 24/7. I should be dusting my desk right now.

'My' typical day for those that wonder what a SAHM does:
Wake up btwn 8:30-9:00 thankfully I have sleepy heads!
Get their breakfast made which is usually organic oatmeal.
Turn on the toons
Get my HUGE cup of coffee.
Check my email while the munchkins eat.
Get them dressed- get out some toys to keep them occupied while I get dressed.
Hit the gym, usually by this time it's 11-11:30.
I am at the gym for 1.5-2hrs five times a week.
Get home, fix lunch.
Put Leelyn down for nap, if Blaine is here turn on a movie.
Check my mail again, do laundry, dishes, dust, vacuum, pay bills, scrub toilets, mow the lawn, play with Blaine, eat my own lunch.....
Leelyn wakes up, get him and Blaine snacks, play with them for about 20 mins. and or run errands then get dinner going, pour myself a glass of wine.
Brain gets in, eat.
Proof photos, place orders etc.
Get Leelyn ready for bed @ 7:30.
Do more 'work' if needed.
Put Blaine to bed @ 9

I just don't know where to fit play dates in?

Okay, so this leads me to my next topic. The economy. So I was watching Oprah the other day and she had Suzie Orman (ugh she makes me feel crappy most of the time) and she was saying to cut your finances in half. Okay, so we are a single family income......cut it in half, OMG---that means I need to clip coupons, look for sales, no more needless shopping, no more pedicures, flip flops, clothes my kids don't need, store brand items.........

But I think I will do it for 2 months, she said 6, we will see. The economy is very scary and to see once thriving families now living in tents and shelters broke my heart and scared me! I am the type of person that never looks at prices half of the time, if I see something I like, I buy it. I have no debt so I feel good about that.....I will let y'all know if I truly succeed at this, budgeting has NEVER been my thing, so this discipline will be interesting for me. No more eating out....bwahahaha


Jenn's way said...

I couldn't do it. I tried and I am a better person working outside of the home.
My family is so much happier also. You really do your job well lady. I will support you in your half the finances calling, call me if you have any weak moments. Also, congratulations on your workout routine. My idol in so many ways.

Hauser said...

i know i couldn't cut back.. It sucks to as i got back to 5days and then the extra that i would have gets eaten because of the economy. Here's to hoping that it gets better quick.

Shannon Morgan Photography - Bainbridge Island, WA Photographer said...

sounds like my day, minus the 2 hour work out :)!! busy busy!! i watched the orman thing too, and we are going to do it as well. i am not a spender though so that helps. i just hate shopping :)!! but techniqually you are have another income coming in with your photography :)!! soon you will be able to pay all your bills on what you make :)!!!