Friday, February 20, 2009


UGH, why ME? I feel like I have said that a lot recently. Since December my kids have stayed sick, you all know it because I write about it. We have had URI's and tonsillitis, then yet another URI and today we had to take Leelyn AGAIN for a red eye full of puss which is pink eye just in the past two weeks. This doesn't count the ER visit in December! Three visits in two weeks.

I get home with the prescription which was $70.00 for eye drops by the way. I notice that they aren't quiet drops but gel. I think 'Hm, two drops of gel, that is WEIRD' but who am I doc or pharmacist. Anyhoo, Brian holds Leelyn down, peeling his infected eye apart and I 'TRY' to disperse two drops, HA! NOT HAPPENING!!!!!!! Brain calls the pharmacist (WALGREENS) and for the SECOND time with us they MESSED UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT SUPPOSED TO BE GEL, DROPS!
They once filled a script for our dog Sissy with a medication that could have KILLED her! YEAH, seriously!
Poor Leelyn, I don't care what I go through, my kids being WELL is all that matters. Wine anyone? ;-)



Jenn's way said...

Nice change of word :)
You have had a rough start with sick kids this year. Poor babe. Hang in there, just think of your vacation and I will be praying all goes smooth.

I wouldn't use them for my prescrition needs anymore.

Anonymous said...

That is messed up in every way possible.