Friday, February 6, 2009

A prayer

Sometimes I look up to the heavens and ask God almighty to give me strength and patience.

I have to be honest, being a SAHM of two while trying to build the business of my dreams has been quite the task. I have dishes in my sink, laundry out the 'well you know' and enough dust to make Jesus sneeze ;-)

Blaine said today while eating at Blueberry Hill today "Mom, that fish is from the seven seas isn't he" as he pointed up on the wall at a fish they had hanging up. I LOVE that boy but boy since going to the gym he has picked up some interesting terms to say the least. It breaks my heart......
Leelyn sits under his (Blaines) chair at meal time, like a little puppy just waiting for food to hit the floor, SAD! LOL
Leelyn has also discovered clapping hands, LOVES peek a boo, still says "mama, dada, baba" and is now standing alone for a few seconds (Blaine was walking by 10.5 months, so I of course think there is something wrong)Blaine says every single morning to him "Good morning Mr. Mr. did you dream about us?"

Blaines wisdom amazes me daily. I finally got him into the school I put him on the waiting list for two years ago- WOOT WOOT! Just got that news ;-) which is a BIG load off of my chest! I was on top of it baby! Curb side pick up and drop off is what I LOVE ;-)

I never know the date, I hardly know the time and my hair is hardly ever done ;-) The Gourley outting today was The Cathedral Basilican (GO if you haven't) and lunch. I have more pics. give me time to DL. 19 days and counting until Tx. ;-)

1 comment:

Jenn's way said...