Monday, February 23, 2009

My baby is gonna be ONE!

I can't believe that Leelyn, sweet sweet Leelyn will be one this week. My heart is crying I tell ya! Man that year went fast!
We took Blaine to a studio for his 1 year picture, above. I still had the outfit so I decided to try and copy it, crumbled sheet and all so I can hang them up side by side. The outfit is faded but I did my best. Leelyn will not sit still for anything these days.
I was looking in Blaine's 1 yr. scrapbook comparing them. Blaine was walking like a champ and could say 'mama, dada, hot, juice, baba, ball and bye bye' Leelyn stands for like two seconds then freaks and drops LOL he says 'mama, dada, baba, ball, and dat' Blaine had almost 6 teeth, Leelyn has......NONE! LOL Not even one at the surface!

We will celebrate his Birthday in Austin with family. Cupcake's prepared by none other then my Kia's Creations ;-) xoxo Just bright primary colors.

On another note, I have hurt my back. I carried Blaine into the mall the other day and I have ended up with a pulled muscle and pinched nerve. I am now waiting patiently for my hubby to get home with some meds to relieve this horrible pain. Good thing I got the kiddos packed the other day.

This will 'probably be my last post until we return. Please lift us up if you remember on Thursday for a safe flight. Be well!

1 comment:

Jenn's way said...

I will be thinking and praying for safe flights.
I can't believe he is one either. You did fantastic on the picture, what a cute idea.
Take care of that back