Monday, January 26, 2009

What time is it?

Here it is, 11:23 pm and I am still sitting here at this computer! I can't even begin to describe the burn out I feel! I have been working tooth and nail on my website and yes I am designing it myself. I can see why people pay big dollar to have someone do it for them. I like to take on a challenge, and this is IT! I am getting close to opening my doors and while I am ready, I am so nervous. Sometimes I am not sure that this is my time. Then I pray, then I doubt, then I pray, then I doubt.....I think I like to torture myself or something. I still have my hair so that is positive right!

Both kiddos now have strep, Blaine became ill yesterday which sucks because we have an awesome snow storm on the way. I hope they are better by Wednesday so we can play in it. Got to love the gym, germs everywhere! Now I say awesome snow storm because we haven't had one and I don't have to go anywhere tomorrow. I can't wait to sit Leelyn in it ;-) ha


Anonymous said...

Hey be confident everyone goes trough those thoughts. I do and it can be a struggle to fight through it but I know you can.. Keep up the good work can't wait to see those fruits of your work. On the site. As I know how marvelous your pix are..

Oh and if you do get the boys out in the sure would like to see some pix.

Luvs ya all

Anonymous said...

meant out in the snow.. damn mind fart. it is too early right now for me. hahaha

brandy said...

You have a lot on your plate right now. .Nicole,you definately have the talent...don't EVER doubt that. It is hard to decide when to start up your own business especially when you are a devoted wife and mother. You can be ALL!! God has given you this incredible gift! I admire you so much for making the decision to go through with it. When you are having a doubtful day..always remember the scripture.." I CAN DO ALL things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Phil. 4:13 He put that verse in there for a reason!!

Jenn's way said...

Nicole. You are an amazing photographer. I know that you should be your own worst critique but seriously, I would hire you in a second. Like Brandy stated, with God anything is possible. I know He has led you here, keep going, don't let the devil get to you.