Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Fruits of my labor

I really don't like having to cook every night, and I don't. Lastnight I was feeling blah and really didn't want to make dinner, but I did. Then, as I walked over to the buffet I turned around and saw this

and boy did I enjoy the fruits of my labor of being in the kitchen preparing this meal. All three boys chowing down, Leelyn included:

That little booger wants nothing to do with jar food anymore but he has no teeth, not one! Seems like we have been teething for months!

I also love it when dad comes home from work:

as does the boys!


Karissa said...

So sweet! Daddy looks tired ;)Leila wants NOTHING to do with jar food either. However, she LOVES the gerber graduate dinners! I think our teething hell is over for now at least, she cut FOUR top teeth in the past week! UGH! Can't wait till the 16th! XOXO

MariePhotographie said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog! I love seeing other photog blogs--I'm really impressed with your pictures! You have a distinct style and I think spirit breeze is such a fitting name.

I know, I need to post more on the forum. I just get so overwhelmed with posting at so many places--blog, forum, flickr etc...on top of keeping up with day-to-day life. I'm a wimp! Now that the holidays are over, hopefully I can get back into my groove.

Hope your kiddos are feeling better. I was just reading about all those ear infections--yikes!

Spirit's Breeze Photography personal blog said...

Kar- I can't wait for the 16th....woot woot
yes, dad was very tired, we are getting old here in this house, lol ahhhhh