Sunday, August 3, 2008

SAHM Summertime slump/blues

Calling all full time SAHM's out there....are there any left? How do you fill up your days? Seems like a lot of moms are working PT in some way shape or form. Perhaps this is what has me feeling all slumpy and blue!? Maybe I miss working. Adult interaction, having something to do, to be. It is so hot outside my 3.5 yr. old never wants to go out and play. I think I have done everything to do in this town and Blaine doesn't want to do it a second time and honestly nor do I. Zoo, Science Center, Magic House - done it! I don't care for the mom groups I am a member much drama for me, oh yes lots of that.

I miss school for Blaine, he really enjoyed it. C'mon sweet September. I feel like I don't even really have the time to connect with myself these days. I whip out a blog here and there, DL pics of my DC and that takes all of 15 minutes while I hold Leelyn on my lap. BORED! Tired of cleaning, running errands and being inside. Wanting something to do, to call mine. Feeling like I am not as good at photography as I once thought. My world has been opened up to many talented moms out there, wow. I can't find the designated time to really focus on that hobby. I suppose this to shall pass.


Anonymous said...

When you stay home full time, summers are so long aren't they. The kids get bored, you can do a lot in a week as far as outdoor activities. Sounds like you need to schedule some alone time. Once Blaine starts school that should be easier for you. There aren't to many full time stay home mommys anymore. Have you thought about pt work?

Jenn's way said...

WTH are you talking about lol. You have the toughest job in the world and I only lasted a year before I went insane and back to work! Summer is so long with the kids. That sucks about your mom group, to bad. I am sure your days will be filled up soon once Blaine starts school, soccer and you have MOPS and the little gym to do. Make time for your hobby, it is a must to have that time alone. It is so easy to lose yourself in motherhood. Call me!

Jenn's way said...

Oh and you are very talented Nicole. You just got that camera, give yourself time. You have an eye for it don't get discouraged.

Spirit's Breeze Photography personal blog said...

thought about pt work, then I feel guilty. having female issues, going to see OB wed.

Spirit's Breeze Photography personal blog said...

Girl, this summer is draggin'! It is fixing to be HOT HOT out there! Yea, just running out of things to do and tired of doing the same ol' stuff!!