Thursday, December 4, 2008

Gone with the wind

Our Daily Bread today is titled Gone with the wind. Today is December 4th and 16 years ago my mother passed away of lung cancer. As you know, the wind makes me think of my mother so I found comfort in the daily bread today and I believe it was just another sign to let me know that she is still here with me. Also- 16 years Brian and I have been together. Most people are divorced and married again by our age. I love that man!

I love my conversations with Blaine. Truly, they make me LOL. The other day he asked me if his legs were spinning as he ran across the room. I looked at him puzzled trying to figure out what he meant and *DING* he wanted to know if he was super fast like Sonic (video game) his legs spin fast when he runs. It is so funny to me that Blaine actually thinks his legs are spinning and naturally I love to feed his imagination so I tell him yes!

Next, he wears gloves like Mario (Mario cart) and thinks he is Mario when he puts them on. I promise, he only gets 1.5 hours of game time a day, not counting the gym which provides flat screen mac computers, like 15-20 of them for the kiddos ;-)

Leelyn is 9 months and I just can't believe it~ He says mammmmm, dada, baba and a bunch of baby gibberish. He is crusing and all over the place. I can't wait to take him for his check-up. Still, no teeth but I swear we have been teething for like 4 months now, arghhhhhh. He LOVES and I mean LOVES Go Go Gabba- he starts dancing and giggles it is the cutest thing to watch and an AWESOME way to start my morning. Both kids are sleeping until 9am. Leelyn goes down @ 7pm and sleeps now until 9ish and I deserve every stinkin' minute because he kept me up for 8 months!

Still battling with the insurance. No surprise there. Oh and one of the craziest things I heard about this week......stay @ home moms actually putting their kids in preschool before age THREE?!?!?!? REALLY?!?!?! SERIOUSLY?!?!??!?! Even by age 1! Sorry, I just don't get it! (no I am not talking daycare for working parents) wow, guess I will be talked about how bad of a mother I am because my child won't start preschool until he is three, thank you very much! ;-)

My mom and a few pix from grandma and grampals visit.

That's all folks, be well


Anonymous said...

Looks like he had a good time making the smores the grand parents...

Jenn's way said...

I can't believe Leelyn is 9 months already. I would love to see Blaine running like sonic, very funny.
Pre-school by one? This isn't California and we aren't famous right!? My kids did not go until age four as recommended by our peditrician so I apparently have you beat for the worst mom in the world award, RIDICULOUS if you ask me.