Sunday, October 26, 2008

Crash update

Brian was on the news yet again, better him then me. The mother that was responsible is in critical condition, ICU in a coma. She has three daughters. This by far wasn't the first time she did something like this. The ex husband came over this morning as it was his car she was driving and she did drive her daughter home from a friends right before the accident, although was it really? It could have been avoided!

Brian was in the bathroom, I was in bed. The bathroom is right off the garage and my bedroom is to. I heard this scraping sound and then my house shook and I thought it was an earthquake. Brian said the lights went out, he turned around to flip the switch and that is when he thought a bomb went off. He opened the door to our garage and there was a SUV inside of it.....he ran outside and noticed there was a lady in it, unconscious. Our neighbor came over (Larry) and jumped in her car to shut it off, yes it was still running. She hit a gas line, cable box and electric box on our house. Three bottles of vodka were in the vehicle. She wasn't wearing a seat belt.

Adjusters will be out tomorrow. ;-/ Ty to everyone for your calls- we are doing fine physically! ;-) Everyone has been very kind and thoughtful- most importantly my family remained safe due to Brians car in the garage which stopped the SUV from entering our house and probably killing Brian.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is crazy- I am in shock!