Wednesday, September 3, 2008


I was a die hard 90210 fan as was the hubby, believe that! We were disappointed last night! It isn't often that we both make it a point to watch a drama episode, we were excited and let down. I will say that Jenny Garth looks FAB! So nice to see a woman with curves, HEALTHY on tv!!!! She is a beauty indeed. Also, this brings me to my next piece - what was up with all the drinking? I mean I know and understand that it is 2008 - STILL people!! It was a HUGE deal back int he day if one of the cast members drank or tried drugs and it seemed to be the norm last night. Next, moving forward....the other morning we were out of coffee (head spinning, eyes rolling here) so Bri had to run to the corner store to get us some much needed java and he came home with these: Talk about a buzzzz, geeze! I can see it now, teen taken to hospital due to OD on STOK! Hope I don't influence!


Karissa said...

Dang! I haven't watched it yet. Planning on watching it tonight with Josh. The original was SUCH a great show! I'm not sure it can ever be topped. Isn't it sad that some of these kids watching the new one have no idea how good the first one actually was. Man! Back when TV was good!!

Anonymous said...

It did suck, geared for teenagers not previous watchers. How could it live up though?

Anonymous said...

I need some of that stok stuff today. 90210 did suck didn't it.

Spirit's Breeze Photography personal blog said...

yea, not my cup of java, I mean tea