Wednesday, July 2, 2008

You are what you eat!

By every word of this phrase, it simply is true! We are what we eat. I have ended the Vegan Cleanse for a few reasons. First and foremost, Leelyn has been spitting up like crazy, projectile spit up and I can only associate his new found hobby in connection with my new found way of eating - ha! Second, I have a dinner date and vacation coming up with several parties which is just an excuse I know. In all honesty, I have really learned a lot about my body and food through this cleanse. I am pretty educated on all natural, organic food - I have to be, the hubby is after all a store manager for Whole Foods making it a way of life for us. That doesn't mean that we don't fall victim to Doritos, Cheetos, Lucky Charms and such disgusting food items because trust me -we do. I am addicted to McDonald's french fries.
The book I read titled Skinny Bitc* really reeducated me on things that I have turned my back on. I can't be ignorant and let myself or my family put such harmful, cancer causing man-made chemicals in to their precious bodies. Moderation is key. We as a society are okay with cloning food, really?! Thinking back to my Great Grandparents and what they ate, which was straight out of their garden, wholesome good food made in their kitchen from scratch - which is why they lived to be in their 80-90's, and one GGM out lived almost all of her 12 some children! We literally should live to be like 120, but all this processed crap we eat has really changed the number of years we live.

I will take away these key items: Eat natural, eat organic eat wholesome as much as possible. Eat for fuel, eat for nutrition. Eat junk in moderation. Don't eat what you can't pronounce. I could list some scary ingredients and what they are derived from, or I can just recommend the book Skinny Bitc* and let them break it down in a more vulgar manner for you!

Thanks to everyone for your support and well wishes during the 10 days I managed to easily cleanse myself of such harmful toxins.

Everyone has their own view on eating, diets, food and fitness - and I choose to stay educated and feed my family right in my own rightful view! Bon appetit.


Anonymous said...

Good for you girl, I am so proud of you for sticking to this for as long as you did. I know that I would have broke down by day three. You are an inspiration like I said before.
Love ya-Michelle

Jenn's way said...

I love you so much! You inspire.