Thursday, July 10, 2008

Info. from the specialist

The specialist Dr. Cheval who we love and highly recommend called Brian this morning. This is what he had to say:
There was no sign of reflux so it is one of two things. Either it is partial blockage which we DON'T want him to have as this will require surgery, as Dr. Cheval said this will entail us to sit down and "talk" OR it is just developmental variance which needs no further evaluation.

In six months we will have another test called Intravenous polygram (IVP) - a special x-ray of the kidneys, ureters and bladder that involves injection of a contrast agent that fills the urinary tract on the x-ray and helps the doctor to see the organs. The IVP shows how well the kidneys drain urine. If this shows blockage there is one more test they will do called A renal (kidney) scan (MAG 3 with lasix) - This scan provides very sensitive quantitative information regarding kidney function and drainage characteristics. Along with the IVP, it is particularly helpful in identifying and assessing the degree of blockage.
Let's have faith and pray it is developmental variance! Here is to six more months of wondering and waiting! UGH!


Anonymous said...

Yes, praying. Six months to lift that kidney up in prayer.

Jenn's way said...

You have to love all the tests and waiting - it is enough to drive a mom crazy. Keep up the faith girly.

Anonymous said...

Praying for him always.