Sunday, June 29, 2008

Vegan cleanse day 7, one week success

I did it, one week down! I weighed this morning and managed to lose 2.5 pounds, wow!This is five pounds of fat, so half of this came off my butt, hopefully! LOL
Considering I really haven't worked-out that is amazing to me. I plan on sticking with it and I will post less frequently regarding the cleanse, perhaps every three days or so. I plan on going strong until our vacation on the 17th - Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana here we come! No promises if I can and will continue after the 30 days. I am looking forward very much to spending time with my family especially with yesterday's drama!

God- let me persevere and walk the walk!


Anonymous said...

that is just gross!good job losing that weight.

Jenn's way said...