Friday, June 27, 2008

Vegan Cleanse, day 5 emotional

It comes to no surprise that today has just been very emotional for me. I really should just stay off the computer and away from people! HA! Perhaps it is just PMS, or maybe it is God's way of tapping me on the shoulder and awakening some of these dead senses of mine. I know that the world which surrounds me, or I surround myself in is chaos at the moment and why wouldn't it be, the devil will use our most venerable times to break us down! I could say that I really didn't pick the right time to cleanse, but is there ever a right time to go forth with something as crazy as a vegan cleanse? C'mon!
It is amazing the crazy looks I get or emails when people find out I am doing this. LOL I suppose if they don't understand it really isn't worth my breath to try and convince them why I am doing this.
I will say that today, my joints in my hands are feeling better. I will say that since day 2, I have been on a bathroom schedule which hasn't occurred for a very long time. I am telling myself that I don't want instead of I can't have certain foods, the kind of foods that make me have 5 minutes of yummy pleasure and three hours of not so yummy pleasures.
I have been calling on the lord for strength in ways that haven't been in some time. A spiritual cleanse for me, yes! Much to my surprise it has been. I feel as if I am cleaning out demons that have been in my closet and left there for far to long. I feel as if my foundation is becoming stronger, wiser and more free day by day. I am a fan of fasting, but in some weird way, this has been harder then a 24 hour fast.
Well, tonight I will eat a vegan hot dog with a side of black beans. Dessert will be fresh cut cantaloupe.
I hope everyone enjoys their weekend, we will be out in the garage having our annual sale.
Be well.


Anonymous said...

Be strong girl! You are very right about the devil breaking us down at our most weak moments in life. Put on that breast-plate. YOU CAN do this.

Jenn's way said...

Was today a hard day or what? Hang in it!