Monday, May 12, 2008

Quick Shout Out

I just wanted to give a quick shout-out to two of my neighbors...Mrs. MaryJo and Mrs. Cathy for SAVING us from A) losing it B) Taking Blaine to the ER, who needs that expense and C) Just being there!

MaryJo - It meant SO much to me that I didn't have to load my sick boys up in the car to venture out to Walgreens to get yet...more medicine! Sorry you had to witness the vomit, ALL OVER ME, LOL

Cathy - how BLESSED are we to have a ped. nurse two houses down...VERY! Thank you for coming over and looking at Blaine for us. You will be happy to know his fever finally broke last night and he is draining like crazy! I did the nose saline and it really helped Leelee out.

The Gourleys love you gals!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love good neighbors.