Thursday, October 8, 2009

Five fact Friday (a day early)

Perhaps I will get this on the day one Friday, lol I am shipping out soon tho.

1. I had a blast with Blaine on his special day. We ate sugar all day. We laughed. We hugged. We laughed. We hugged. We laughed. We ate sugar. We took pics. It was NOT LAME! (Blaine has picked up the word lame from school) I got him Spike the dinosaur (pic above) and I can't wait to give it to him  because he thinks santa 'might' bring it to him for xmas, ha ha! I just hope Leelyn is okay- he is scared of it when we go to the store and see it. I think that might be why Blaine wanted it so bad, LOL
He also received a ton of Wii and nintendo games from family and friends so the kiddo should be very happy and contained for a while.

2. I have been having these horrible headaches- they come on fast and strong. They make my neck and jaw hurt so bad- I seriously just lay in bed for hours.....every medicine OTC and prescription I have taken even touches it or dulls the pain a little. I was thinking sinus but IDK- they are kinda scary!

3. Preparing for winter! Tanning beds and wine! LOL If you know me, you know I HATE the cold. I can't stand it! C'mon I grew up in Houston for goodness sake. My bones hurt, I just was to sleep through the winters! I dread them. I try to enjoy them and remain positive but.........UGH- not working. I need heat and sunshine people.

4. I plan on organizing my photos- sending them off to print and start scrappin' this winter! This will be my 'me' time. I feel bad, Leelyn's birth book isn't even done. I have hundreds of dollars in scrappin' stuff not being used.....I really miss hangin' out and doing this. Photography has taken over my life---really it isn't a good thing, I have not been responsible in certain areas of my life, and I kinda forgot why I loved it to begin with. LOL

5. I have really felt so blessed to be able to stay home with my boys, esp. now that they are both out of the house on Friday's! ;-) *snork
My day is coming, all this hard work and dedication will pay off soon. They grow fast and I am so thankful that I don't miss a minute of it. That is the best benefit of staying home- to be the main and most impt. influence in thier life and to be able to witness thier firsts! I want to be the one that is there for them always! I love you boys!

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