Friday, January 23, 2009

Poor little man

We woke up to a very sick little man this morning. He had a fever of 103.4 with no 'ill signs' other then the fever. Turns out he has strep throat! My poor kiddos seem to stay ill. Our pediatrician said he has only had 1 other baby under a year old that had strep....guess who is his 2nd...ugh~

On a brighter note, I am officially meeting with an accountant next Wednesday (sorry Jen I had to cancel our lunch date) to go over all the major details of my soon to be up and going business. I am hoping that my website will be up and going by next week also, so stay tuned! My photo blog is also receiving a professional polished makeover ;-)I am so nervous but ready and excited also. I want to thanks all of my friends and family for your wonderful support during this transition. Most importantly Brian who has really stepped up and helped me out with the boys and house work. I love ya babe!