Saturday, July 12, 2008

The art of sitting

Yes, there is an art form to sitting. Little man has been practicing his sitting technique for the past week. Everyday he is sitting longer and stronger. Blaine was 5.5 months when he finally conquered it, Leelyn just might surpass Blaine by weeks. Brian and I are just WOWED by this little man. Babies sure do develop differently.

Blaine on the other hand is becoming very good at all of the Wii games. He can even beat us at a few. We are waiting to get our hands on Mario Cart - sold out everywhere!

On another note, I have to share my new favorite wine with you all: While doing our weekly shop @ Whole Foods I ran into (literally) a case stack of this and just had to purchase it! Besides the label being beautiful and in my favorite color - the ingredients sealed the deal!
Here is to a rainy, lazy Saturday which I am enjoying before our busy vacation in 5 days, YAY!